The Method of Acute Isolation of Rat Hippocampal Pyramidal Neuron 大鼠海马锥体神经元的急性分离方法
Physiologically, the likely substrate for NCC is a coalition of pyramidal neurons a type of neuron that communicates over long ranges within the cerebral cortex. 从生理的角度而言,NCC的基础可能是大脑皮质内锥体神经元组成的联盟,这种神经元可以长距离沟通。
Effects of propofol on pyramidal neuron apoptosis in hippocampus of neonatal rats 异丙酚对新生鼠海马神经细胞凋亡的影响
Compartment model analysis of dendrites and axons of single pyramidal neuron 单个锥体神经元树突轴突的房室模型分析
The results indicate that the calcium increase in pyramidal neuron in long-term depression is not released from the internal calcium store; 结果提示,长时程抑制时细胞内钙的升高并非来自于细胞内钙库的钙释放;
Ultrastructural changes in the pyramidal neuron of sector ca_1 in hippocampus of rats during aging 大鼠海马CA1区锥体神经元在衰老过程中的超微结构变化
Aging changes of mitochondria in pyramidal neuron of Hippocampus CAI area of rats in the oldest old stage ── electron microscope quantitative analysis 衰老晚期海马CA1区锥体细胞线粒体改变&电镜定量分析
Rat brain slice cultures and identification of pyramidal cells provided an effective method to study the diseases involved in the cortical motor neuron. 大鼠脑片的培养以及锥体细胞组化鉴定技术为研究有关皮层运动神经元的疾病如肌萎缩侧索硬化提供了有效的方法。
The relationship between calcium release from ca_1 pyramidal neuron induced by synaptic stimulation and plasticity of synaptic transmission in hippocampus 海马CA1区锥体细胞内钙离子释放与突触传递的可塑性